Benefits of Clay
Gives people a voice to tell a story
Helps discover individual style
Generates healing
Improves socialization skills
Creates pride
Builds patience
promotes problem solving skills
Promotes positive peer interaction
Anyone can do it
It makes people happy
Promotes relaxation
Gain 3-Dimensional perspective
Non-threatening material
Enhances fine motor skills
Creates ownership
Helps develop life skills by using a youth development approach
Creates a safe atmosphere
Something to look forward too
Creates spontaneity
A way to speak without saying a word
What is Clay Therapy?
Together we will develop and choose projects that target the needs you identify for your clients. Working with a 3-dimensional material such as clay offers an atmosphere that is non-threatening, safe, fun and therapeutic. With patient and nurturing instructors, freedom of expression and relaxation are easily achieved. Creative juices quickly begin to flow and masterpieces come to life. Through a 4-week session, clients will end up with four glazed and fired clay projects developed through a hands-on process. Finished works will give your clients increased self-esteem, a strong sense of ownership and a great boost of pride. The pieces will be returned to your clients at your location in personalized bags.